Thursday 24 January 2013

... get fitter, eat healthier, drink less, have fun with the kids... DAY 23

Fantastic little flow chart here! You can't really argue with it! Perhaps one for the fridge door or visible from the sofa!

Get Fitter
  • Group Power class at the crack of dawn! First time I have seriously thought about turning the alarm off and going back to sleep since I started this thing! I battled on though and even put my weights up!
  • We went for another Team Simpson Walk/jog/run like we did on Tuesday. Tuesday we did it in 40 minutes, today we did it in 30 minutes! Quite nice having the whole family along for the fun!

Calories Burned - 650

Eat Healthier

  • Just a plain protein shake with spirulina (etc) powder for breakfast.
  • Morning tea of rice crackers with vegemite and peanut butter ( not mixed together, separate!).
  • Peanut butter and jam toast for lunch! Until 2 weeks ago this would have horrified me but I tried one of Archie's floor scraps and quite liked it!
  • Rice crackers and vegemite for afternoon tea.
  • Chilli, rice, re fried beans and tacos for dinner (yes the same as last night, what can I say we're creatures of habit).

Drink Less (Alcohol, More Water)
  • Zero alcohol despite Lovely Hubbies best efforts! I mentioned I fancied a glass of wine so he kept offering me one but I will just have my bedtime cup of tea instead.
  • 2.5 litres of water.

Have Fun With The Kids

The Cherubs were at home with Daddy today while I was at work so they would have had all sorts of fun doing things I won't let them! For example Maisie had her playdoh out! It terrifies me, it gets everywhere so she's not had it out for ages but she must have been a good girl for Daddy to let her have it! Daddy also got her a DVD to watch! He had little Archie practicing his walking all day! Not sure he would find that fun but it sure has tired him out!

We managed to squeeze in some family fun (and exercise as mentioned above) with another family run thought the park (same as we did on Tuesday) Maisie loves it but she gives a running (pardon the pun) commentary but its really hard to talk back when you barely have any breath to breathe never mind to talk! Archie just chills out in the back of the buggy peeking out every no and again to see where we are!

So tomorrow's Friday. My rest day! I was going to squeeze something in in the morning but ill be doing my last buts of lacking for my weekend trip so maybe a bit too much! I was ready for a lazy Saturday in Auckland too but my friend I'm visiting is keen to do something on Saturday too otherwise I will get back on it on Sunday ...

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